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Hive Cleaning and the Circular Economy

The principle of circular economy is very simple: it’s a system to minimise waste and make the most of resources. It contrasts to the traditional linear economy, with its 'take, make, dispose' model of production.

Linear v Circular economy

Circular economy benefits the economic growth and has huge

benefits for environment by reusing materials, using less toxic products, being energy efficient, creating less pollution etc.

We are keen supporters of this simple and logical system at Hive and we try to positively contribute as much as we can. Some steps are easy and some difficult, but we are very committed to being eco-friends and leaving a beautiful, green planet to our children. Here are some ways we contribute to circular economy:

  1. Our high quality microfibre cloths are washed and reused hundreds of time before being recycled

  2. We have a Zero Emission all electric company fleet

  3. Our recycling rates for the sites we manage are over 68% - our head office is 100%

  4. We are a zero to landfill company

  5. We use concentrate chemicals which are doses into reusable trigger bottles. This reduces chemical miles and plastic waste.

  6. We use green electricity to power our Head office

  7. Our iVac vacuum cleaners create greater suction with less electricity and are designed to last for life, having easily repairable and replicable motors and parts

  8. We adopt a beehive with every new contract to help support these vital members of our ecosystem


Learn more about Circular Economy in this video

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