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Hard Floor Nightmares!

All hard floors need to be shown some TLC everynow and then in order for them to look their best.

Over time, the wax or floor finish over a vinyl / tile floor can lose its lustre, pit, scratch, discolour and otherwise degrade. The correct floor finish and a proper maintenance program will need to be implemented and at some point the floor will need to be stripped back and a new protective layer applied.

Look for the following signs and feel free to call us for a no obligation consultation if you have any questions.

Discoloration from UV light- There are 2 primary types of UV light that will affect your floor. UVA, longer wavelengths from sun, and UVC, short wavelengths often synthetically produced by fluorescent lights and healthcare equipment. To identify discoloration due to UVA light, stand away and look at flooring in long entranceways and under windows that have direct sun exposure to the floor. To find whether UVC light is damaging the floor finish, look directly underneath fluorescent lighting for patches of discoloration.

Oxidized finish- As floor finish oxidizes, it will haze and leave a white powdery residue. Look at entrance mats, dust mops, and dark soled shoes for tell-tale white dust. Also, if after burnishing long hallways excessive dust is present, then it may be time to strip the floor.

Scratching and scuffing- mechanical means from furniture, carts, or equipment moved along the floor surface can lead to scratches and scuffs. The harder the finish the more likely to scratch, the softer the finish the more likely to scuff.

Discoloration and blotchiness- As finish wears, dirt embeds into the floor finish. Depending on the severity of the damage, it may be time to either scrub and recoat or strip and refinish the floor surface.

Time intervals- Some facilities need to scrub or strip certain finishes at pre-defined times of the year based on the usage of the facility. This scenario is quite common in lift cars where there is a heavy footfall and people rotating on balls of their feet.

Alcohol burns- When alcohol-based hand sanitizers drip onto floor finish and white marking is observed under the drip area, this means that the sanitizer has eroded the finish and is now on the floor tiles underneath. This lack of protection for the tile will eventually lead to high floor replacement costs when damage is untreated for an extended period.

Other chemical burns- Betadine, Iodine, bleach, and other chemical spills burn through the finish leaving a dull area on the floor that clearly contrasts with the glossy finish on the rest of the floor.

Low pH disinfection- Improper cleaning programs using low PH disinfecting systems leave the floor dull and lifeless. Disinfecting is ideal for touch point surfaces only.

Improper bond- The floor finish is peeling from the bottom up instead of mechanically from the top down. A lack of proper bond from the finish to the flooring surface necessitates a stripping and refinishing of the vinyl tile surface. A clean bond to the floor using clean tools to create proper adhesion to the floor is paramount once the floor stripping is complete and new floor finish is applied.

When you identify the need to strip and remove the floor finish, don’t despair.

Hive have experts in all types of hard floor restoration and maintenance.

Call us for a no obligation assessment on 020 7993 6000 or email for how we can help.

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