Hive is a very unique company. It was started with the environment, sustainability and a strong ethical code at its heart. Everything else was born from these 3 core values.
Out of all the cleaning companies in London – (and there are hundreds of them!) - we are one only of five which pay the Real London Living Wage to 100% of the workforce. It’s something that is incredibly important to us, our employees and their families.
In April 2016 the government introduced a higher minimum wage, calling it the ‘national living wage’. This created a bit of confusion as they opted to give this a similar name. Whilst we applaud any increase in workers pay it was still not calculated according to what employees and their families needed to live – see the chart below to compare the wage rates.

According to the Living Wage Foundation. ‘’the Real Living Wage rates are higher because they are independently-calculated based on what people need to live above poverty”

We strongly believe that it’s ethical and fair to pay people the London Living Wage. There are also a great many benefits to our business and our customers.
It increases employee motivation, attracts the best people, improves retention, reduces absence and lifts morale, to name but a few.
We spend lots of time with our staff – mentoring and training them, showing appreciation and investing in their future. Their work is audited every month in a constructive way, to give them useful feedback to help them improve without undermining them.
Cleaning is often thankless job, physically demanding and difficult. Nobody really sees the cleaners at work and it’s rare for them to get a pat on a back for the excellent job they do. This is why we want all of our employees to feel appreciated and rewarded. Fair pay is a hugely important part of this.
To summarise, Hive Cleaning are a Real London Living Wage paying company, that use state of the art eco products, the latest City & Guilds accredited video training and have an experienced, proactive management structure.
All this amazingness must be expensive, right!
Minimal overheads and lower profit margins mean competitive pricing too. So, it’s a Win Win!
Contact us today for more information about how we can help:
info@hivecleaning.com 020 7993 6000 www.hivecleaning.com